Sunday, March 23, 2014

Being Stretched Beyond More than I Think I Can Handle

I'm not sure about you, but lately I have been having a difficult time having the energy to keep going. Do you ever go through a season in which you're not sure if you can continue doing what you are supposed to?  I feel like after becoming a mom, I have experienced this a little more frequently than prior to.  It probably definitely has to do with the lack of sleep that comes with young children, and perhaps the monotony that parenting can sometimes bring.  

However, in the last couple weeks, I realized that I needed a bit of encouragement as a mom.  What God did through the following week or so was just what I was longing for.  He provided so many reminders, big and small, that I am doing exactly what I am supposed to be right now.  He has called me to care for and love on my two little guys in a way that no one else can.  He has entrusted me with them, even when I don't feel equipped or competent.  

If you aren't a mom I encourage you to encourage your own mom, or one that you know.  I've decided that being a mom is the hardest thing I have ever done.  Hands down. As I am learning how to deal with and confront these difficulties, I have learned that sometimes I just have a to look for the encouragement that God continuously puts in my path. 

So, just as God provided encouragement to me, I hope to do the same for you.  Here are the things that He put in front of me over the course of about a week or so.  

It all started with this book, Desperate by Sarah Mae & Sally Clarkson.

I am a part of a small group of moms at my church and we are currently reading it together.  It's a great title, many moms become desperate for encouragement, and also to realize that they aren't the only ones having these thoughts and feelings.  It is a great read for moms (especially with young kids) I know if you are in that situation you are laughing at me right now, trying to figure out when you would even have time to read and not fall asleep in the process.  I'm right there with you :)  You will not be disappointed if you decide to make time for it.  In fact it might even be helpful to do a study together with some other moms whether it be through a small group meeting or even through email!

This line in particular just reassured me in my feelings, "The lifetime commitment that is motherhood, will many days stretch you beyond what you think you can handle." Can I get an amen? In the midst of this time it can feel like I can't get out of bed one more time, or sing one more song, but then I step back, and I see my almost three month old in the background of this picture and see how at peace he is.  I don't just get out of bed just because, I get up to feed him and help him grow.  I sing one more song because that is the desire of my 2 year old's heart, even if it is a tactic to stall going to sleep just a little bit longer.  These are moments I don't get back, that one day I will wish I could.  

God also put a couple of blogs in my path for me to read and be encouraged by that week.  One was reposted by a friend on Facebook, the blog is titled,  Mommy Somebody Needs You.  It's a great read, and worth the time. I can relate to the writer, because as her kids have started saying that when the baby cries, Parker has started to say to me, "Mommy, you need to feed Camden, he's hungry.", whenever he cries.  Another blog was texted as a link by a fellow mommy friend. (Thanks Cara!) When Satan Steals Your Motherhood  I think my biggest take away from that one was when she said "Today? It is going to be okay. Take back your motherhood. It is a gift. Listen to the life-giver, NOT the liar." So many times we let the enemy's lies take over our minds.  I'd say it's about time that we don't let him win, but that we listen and pay attention to what God would have us hear.  

A few other things that I found encouragement from are small, but totally helpful.  I love Real Simple the magazine.  I am also several months behind in reading them, but one afternoon both boys happened to be napping, so I stole a few moments to read through this.  The whole issue was about learning to balance your life.  

 Obviously this is not the Word of God, but there were some very helpful and practical tips in keeping up with the house, kids and taking care of myself.  So if you happen to see this at a doctors office give it a quick browse!

And of course, I can't forget about good ole' coffee, because without that and God's Word, I'm sure I could not make it through the day.  I find joy in that first every sip, and if that makes my mornings a little bit easier, and mommy a little bit nicer I say go for it!

Here are some sweet shots of my boys throughout the week.  Sometimes all I need to do is remind myself who I am doing this for.  When I make the effort to take a step back and appreciate all that I have been blessed with, it makes cleaning up the toy room (or the clubhouse as we refer to it in our home) for the 3rd time that day, a little easier.  

 I can't imagine doing this alone.  I am so glad that I have my best friend, Philip, to support and encourage me throughout this season too!  I feel so blessed to have someone I can express my very emotional self to, and depend on when I need a few moments to breathe.  In fact, he's the one checking on and taking care of the boys as I write this blog. Thanks babe, I could't do this without you.

We know that it is our responsibility and honor to raise these boys keeping in mind that one day they will be someone's husband and father.  We try to do our best to help develop them into men that resemble Christ and can lead a household in the way God has called them to.  We are called to prepare them for those precious responsibilities.  That is quite the task!  

As I finish writing this blog, I hear Parker waking up from his nap, and Camden starting to squirm and stretch as he prepares to eat... again.  But I remind myself that this is a season and time that will soon pass and will continue to seek out encouragement as I find myself in those stretching moments.  I hope you will do the same!

With Love, From Charlotte.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Grandpa Jesse Garza

I would like to dedicate this post to a very special man, Jesus (Jesse) Garza.

 He is Philip's grandpa.  He was a wonderfully witty, generous, loving and deeply caring grandpa to my husband and myself, and great grandpa to my two boys.  He was a great story teller, and a great player of many card games and of course Mexican Bingo.  I have many fond memories of this man and he will be greatly missed!

This past week our family went home to Sierra Vista to celebrate Jesse's life.  He passed away on February 8, 2014 at the age of 91.  I have had the privilege of getting to know Jesse for about the last 4 years.  Before that I actually stayed at his house once.  Philip, myself and two good friends, Cara and Kelsey were going to see a musical up in LA, and ended up staying with Philip's grandparents because they lived so close.  That was my first real interaction with him, and I remember so clearly playing Bingo and listening to his fascinating stories of the "good ole days".  From that first meeting I knew that he cared about Philip very much.  He always called him "son".  "If you ever need anything, let me know son".  He was always so willing and ready to help.

About 4 years ago he and his wife Angie moved to Sierra Vista.  We were so excited that they lived closer.  Every other week we had family dinner, and it was always so nice to know they would be there, and we would have a chance to just spend some more time with them.  Grandpa Jesse also loved his great grandson Parker.  He always told me to make sure I took good care of his great Grandson.

On our trip home this last week it was a bittersweet time.  We got to see lots of family and friends that we've been missing dearly, and got to show the new little addition (Camden) off to everyone.  But we were there to also say goodbye to a dearly loved man.  In all of that, the service that we had for him was beautiful.  It was so personal, which I loved.  I think if you came to that service you probably left feeling like you knew a lot more about him than when you arrived.  Philip did the message for the service. I think Grandpa would have appreciated that very much, as I'm sure Grandma Angie did too.

The following day we also had a military service for him.  Since he was a veteran they offer that, and even have a flag ceremony for him, and presented it to Grandma at the end.

 I love that I grew up in a military town.  I have learned to have an appreciation for the military, and the sacrifice these men and women make that I'm not sure I would not have learned somewhere else.

Throughout the weekend, we not only got to spend time with our parents, grandma Angie, and Uncle Isaac, but we also got to visit with my grandma, who was able to meet Camden for the first time too.  These are truly precious moments that I will hold on to for a long time.

We also spent some much needed time with good friends!  Parker got to see old friends...

and Camden got to meet his future wife.  Yes, he looks like he could eat her for lunch, but they are only 5 weeks a part, so they won't look so different when they are 40 and allowed to date each other ;)

Overall, we are so thankful for this unexpected trip home and the opportunity to celebrate Grandpa Jesse.  It wore us all out I think....

But we are back home and getting back into the swing of things.  Charlotte is starting to warm up after our big snowstorm, and we are looking forward to a visit from Uncle Zach and Aunt Carissa mid March! Happy Sunday and don't forget to thank God for freedom and grace in Him.

With Love, From Charlotte