Saturday, November 16, 2013

The Not So Terrible Two's!

November 1st was a special day in the Engle Household.  As you may have read in the last post, Parker turned two years old.  It's interesting that you always hear about the terrible two's, kind of scary even, for us first time moms.  I haven't experienced that yet (granted Parker just turned two, so we've got some time) What I've also heard more and more lately is that it's really terrible three's!  I guess I have a lot to learn :)

Anyways, so far Parker's second year hasn't been terrible at all.  I can't even describe how much I love seeing the huge ways he is learning.  It kinda blows my mind when I see him do or say something he's never done before.  He  always seems to have another trick up his sleeve waiting to bust out when I least expect it.  Need some examples?

His vocabulary in general has increased immensely just since being here in North Carolina.  The other day, he told me he was hungry.  What I've noticed is when he learns a new word he uses it several times, day after day, so he can practice.  When he's telling me he's hungry, many times he isn't actually too hungry, he's just trying to practice and learn when and how to use this new word.  It's so similar to the way that I increase my vocabulary in a new language.  Once I learn something new I feel the need to use it often so I don't forget it! I love seeing his brain work.

He has also started singing along with the songs that Philip and I frequently sing to him before bed.  He has started to request specific songs for us to sing.  Some of his favorites are Jesus Loves Me, Daisy Daisy, and Twinkle Twinkle.  I frequently see him putting his animals down for naps while he sings, prays, and covers them up with blankets.  Here's a fun video of him putting his animals down for "night night"

One last example before I move on is the way he is developing and growing his imagination.  He likes to mimic what Philip and I do on a regular basis... In the following video he decided that his leftover milk in his cereal bowl was actually him mixing eggs for breakfast.  

He is also learning letters, numbers and colors.  He of course has a long way to go, but it amazes me how interested he is in all of this.  

In order to celebrate this special guy not only did we go to Chuck E. Cheese on his birthday, but we threw a small birthday party for him.  To those of you that came to his birthday party last year you can probably guess and understand why I went with a smaller version this year :) I went a little crazy and we had about 75 wonderful people there last year, but I couldn't handle that kind of undertaking. Considering we just moved into this house, Philip's parents, Stuart and Cindy, came in the night of the party, and well I'm 33 weeks pregnant and just not moving as quickly as usual!

We invited the kids and parents from the small group that I started, and also all of the prodigy friends from the program.  It was Disney Cars themed and I just put together a few goodies and cupcakes and then ordered pizza for the main course.  Thank you for all your help Pinterest and Sara!  

 I had so much fun prepping for the party, I always like that kind of stuff.  And I think the table came together nicely.  Those little Lightning McQueen cupcakes were easy, yummy and fun!
That night Stuart and Cindy flew in and got to be a part of the festivities.  We had a great weekend with them, showing them around Charlotte, eating good food, sleeping in (because they woke up with Parker!) showing them around our campus at Elevation, and just enjoying some good conversation.  We also got to visit the Discovery Place Museum, which Parker loved, and we intend to go back as much as we can!

We are about to embark upon another busy week, with Thanksgiving right around the corner.  We are looking forward to going to Ohio to visit with my mom's side of the family.  I can't wait for Grandma's cooking and some down time in the quiet little town of Sugarcreek!  Have a great rest of your weekend, and remember to give God glory and honor, because He is worthy all the time! 

With Love, From Charlotte.

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