Sunday, June 15, 2014

Father's Day Part 2

I couldn't let today pass by without also bringing some attention to the man that is the father of my boys, Philip.

There are so many reasons Philip is a good dad, one of them is that he is so intentional with them.   I hear the conversations that Philip has with Parker and Camden.  He is always trying to teach, encourage and lift up these boys.  He makes sure that they are learning without even realizing it.  One of my favorite things he has done with Parker as he gets older is tell him Bible stories. He makes it something that Parker not only enjoys hearing, but remembers too!  He can tell you David and Goliath, Jonah, Daniel in the Lions Den, Jericho, and Samson.  (With a little Prompting)  You should hear those two boys up there in his room.  Sometimes I wonder if the roof will come in on top of me as they march around Jericho all 7 times!

I also love the creativity he has when playing with them.  Just the other day Philip told Parker he was going to take him swimming.  This was a big deal. They got dressed, got all the things needed together, and as they stepped onto the pool deck, thunder rolled.  Philip had to explain to Parker that it was too dangerous to swim, and the devastation that came across his face was heartbreaking.  Philip quickly turned the moment around and suggested that they swim in the tub, and that was sufficient for Parker.  The two of them spent a good half hour splashing around and "swimming" in the tub.  Trunks, floaties and all. :)

Not only does he know how to play with and teach them, but Philip is so good at showing and telling the boys that he loves them.  I know that this is hard for some men to do, but loving his boys comes so naturally to him.  His boys know that he loves and cares for them, and I am so grateful for that.

One of the most important things that I see Philip doing every day for our boys is being a Godly example for them.  I am so grateful that they get to see how a man of God should live in this world.  The ways they should treat other people, their wives and their kids.  He is constantly teaching them the importance of respect and honor towards others, including mommy.  Something we try to be conscious of is that we are raising future husbands and fathers, and we want their wives and kids to know that they will be cared for in the way that God intended.

After a long day at work, I am sure crawling on the ground and changing dirty diapers isn't the number one desire of his heart, but you would never know. This guy doesn't miss a beat! Many times I ask myself how he does it, but I know that his strength comes not from himself but our heavenly Father.  I am so glad that my boys have Philip to model their lives after.  And as you can see, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree :)

Happy Father's Day!

With Love, From Charlotte

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