Sunday, December 15, 2013

Showers of Blessings

I know, I know... It's been a while since the last post. Sometimes it feels like there are not enough days in the week or hours in the day! Maybe it's just that everything is taking  me longer and longer to accomplish. As my body is stretching and growing, it just doesn't have the ability to move as quickly and swiftly as it used to. 

I do have to say these last couple of weeks of pregnancy have provided me with a good reminder that I need to slow down. I have to remind myself that it's ok if I don't say yes to every invitation, or bake every type of cookie on my Pinterest board. Especially because I might will be the one to eat them all! Its comforting to know that my biggest responsibility right now is to my family and keeping Camden happy and healthy.

One invitation that I knew I didn't want to turn down though was the one for my baby shower! A few friends of mine got together to plan and throw my shower. It was perfect. I got to spend the morning with women that I have grown to love and appreciate over the last few months. We talked, enjoyed some games, ate, laughed and prayed. They all laid their hands on my belly and prayed over me and Camden. It is so fun to be a part of a group of friends that take the time to do that. What a blessing!

These ladies showered us with diapers,wipes, clothes, lotions, shampoos and lots of other baby necessities. It's amazing how much stuff you use and need for such a tiny human being. I feel so blessed to have these women do something special like this for us.

Another event that Philip and I didn't want to miss was our prodigy Christmas party. We had a night where the other guys in the prodigy program and their spouses decided to have dinner together, and then have a small gift exchange afterwards. It was a night full of delicious Italian food, laughter and encouraging one another. Going through something like the prodigy program is one of those things that you can't fully understand unless you go through it also. It is such a blessing to know that we have been able to do that with this wonderful group of people.  They have helped make this experience one that we will look back on and never forget.

As this season of prodigy ends, and we gear up for the next season of 3 AM feedings and dirty diapers, I can't help but wonder if God has been using these last six months to help prepare us for what this next season holds in store. I can't tell you right now what that even looks like. But I do pray that God will use the many things we've learned and the friends we've made to continue to grow, shape and mold us into His image.

I pray that you will take a few minutes to look at the way that God may have showered you with blessings in this last season, and how he might use them in the next. Hey, maybe you could even take some advice from this very pregnant mama and waddle through these next couple weeks rather than run.  When you slow down and remove things that don't matter as much,  its easier to see where and how He's working!

With Love, From Charlotte

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Traveling For Turkey

This year Our soon to be bigger family did something we haven't done for Thanksgiving before. We weren't able to fly home for this fun holiday, due to needing to be here in Charlotte for the weekend and the fact that the turkey in my oven is about ready. My belly button has been poking out, and Philip often tells people that that is how we know that Camden's getting close to being done :) Anyways, back to our new Thanksgiving experience. We drove to Ohio to spend a few days with my mom's side of the family. We got to see aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents. It was so nice to be able to spend time in the comfort of Grandma and Grandpa's home, while eating Grandma's yummy food and snacking on Grandpa's popcorn. 

We drove halfway there on Tuesday night and finished the trip Wednesday morning. Upon our arrival, Grandma had a big pot of taco soup waiting for us, and then we all crashed for an afternoon nap. I think Parker and Philip were competing with how long they could nap :) they tied at about 3 hours! We finished the lazy afternoon with ordering pizza and chatting with the family. Philip and I got to go to the late showing of Hunger games after we put Parker down for the night. It was almost like what life was like before kids... I'm just lucky I didn't fall asleep in the movie!

Thursday was filled with prepping the Thanksgiving meal, and playing in the freshly fallen snow.  It was Parker's first experience with snow, and it was hard to pull him away from it as we got ready to eat. 

Lunch was followed up with some football, and in and out dozing as we browsed the ads for Black Friday. I decided to brave a couple stores with my aunt while Philip took Parker to the movie Frozen that evening. Parker had a blast and got to eat popcorn throughout the movie. He would say "popcorn please" and then "thank you Daddy" after every bite. Hard to say no to that, right?  

On Friday we headed over to my aunt's house where we took some family pictures with my cousin Nicole. She had been practicing taking pictures of couples and families, and I asked if she wouldn't mind practicing on us. She captured some really sweet moments, and made my life much easier by supplying us with our Christmas pictures and maternity pictures all at once. The rest of the day consisted of naps and reading. Philip also got to go to the shooting range with my Uncle Tom. Overall , it was a very relaxing and enjoyable trip. We did make the trek back home on Saturday pretty quickly since Philip needed to be back for church in the evening.

We ended our weekend with a wonderful morning of worship and start to our Christmas series, Times and Seasons.   As we all enter into this especially busy season, Philip and I pray that we don't wish it away, but that we see God's blessings and ever present grace in each and every season. We know that it is so easy to get caught up in the lists of things to do, especially with a baby coming, but I plan to try to live in this time as much as I can.  As we wrap up the Prodigy Program, we will soon know where God will have us in this next season. But until then we have faith that God is in control, and that he will provide us with each next step. We pray to be obedient and respond to his callings. Thank you for your continued prayers and encouragement!  We pray you will also hear and obey God's calling in your life! Happy Thanksgiving!

With love, from Charlotte

Sunday, November 24, 2013

52 Days of Thanks and Praise

With the wonderful holiday of Thanksgiving approaching ever so quickly, I thought I might just share a few things that are going on in our lives, and the things that we are learning as we are a part of Elevation here in Charlotte.  Pastor Steven has challenged and encouraged us as a church body to spend the last 52 days of the year saying and showing our thanks to God. He has even given us cards with wonderful praise prompts to start our day off in the right way! Here's a quick shot of one.

 It sounds easy enough, right? To be completely honest, it is an easy thing to do because of the many things that God has blessed us with.  Philip has done a really good job.  He has been very consistent with his praise prompts, and has been very intentional about showing and speaking his praise. I, on the other hand, have taken something that should be so easy and made it somehow difficult to accomplish.

At first I blamed it on the fact that I'm pregnant and I'm forgetful.  Some days I'm just too tired, other days, I was going to do it, but got distracted by Parker.  What I have realized is that is has nothing to do with any of those things.  I have chosen to not say and show my praise.  Not because I think it's a bad idea, or because I don't think I need to.  If there is anything that I have learned in the past few weeks it is that God is worthy of my praise, and there is no reason that should be holding me back from giving him praise even if and when I don't feel like it.

So, I am stepping up my game folks.  That's right, I am going to give God the glory, honor and praise that he deserves.  I am making it a priority to finish off the year by showing and saying my praise.  I want to be the type of person that finds the blessings in each situation.  That takes some practice on my end, and that is what I plan to do.

My Stud Muffin
As I go through my pictures on my phone I find it very easy to find things to thank God for.  I am so thankful to have a man of God as the head of my household.  Sometimes I can't believe that I get to be married to this guy.  He is so good at loving and cherishing me.  I am so grateful that each day he gets up and goes to work in order to lead us as a family in ministry, but also to provide for me and Parker.  He does all of this without complaining, and yet still finds time to treat me to a baby moon (a night out in Charlotte) before Camden gets here.  He also gets up in the middle of the night with Parker as this Pregnancy develops and my body is a little more reluctant to rolling (Yes, I am now having to roll) out of bed to comfort him or take him potty.  Plus, Philip is an incredible dad.  I always knew he would be, but I am getting teary eyed just thinking about how much he loves and cares for our son. He can get Parker giggling like no other person. :) It warms my heart.

My Little Monkey
That brings me to another person to be thankful for.  Parker, our firstborn son who has challenged me, taught me a love that is deeper than any other I have ever experienced, and proven to me that I can do much more and sleep much less than I ever thought possible. He is growing and developing into such a wonderful young boy, and I can't wait to see what kind of brother he is going to be, what kind of young man he will become, and one day the kind of husband and dad he will be to his own family.  Let's not talk about that too much though.  I'll be in tears before I can finish this post!    



My Bun in the Oven
I am so blessed to be able to be carrying this spunky little boy, Camden, with me wherever I go.  He is on the move most of the time, and even when he is still he seems to have a gentle reminder of his presence with hiccups.  God has given me fairly easy pregnancies, and as I am becoming uncomfortable in these last few weeks I try to remind myself that it is all for a very special creation that God has incredible plans for.  I am coming up on 35 weeks this Tuesday, which kind of blows my mind!  I can't believe this part is already coming to a close.  I am nervous and excited about the next step, but I can't wait to meet him.

My Church
I am so thankful that Philip and I have always been a part of a body that has invested in and cared for us.  We have been so blessed to come from a place like TMCC that took time to grow us, prepare us, and send us out.  We now get to see the fruit of that labor that was poured into us, through what we get to be a part of at Elevation.  They have also helped grow us in new and different ways, and what is exciting is that as Parker gets older we get to see the ways his life is being molded and transformed.  This is the craft that Parker brought home from church today.  It is simple, but as I read over it I realized how true these things are.  It reminded me of some things that I need to stop and thank God for throughout the week!

My Home Sweet Home
I'm going to end my post on this, not because I'm out of things to be thankful for, but because you might be are probably tired of reading :)  This is where I get to see so many of the things that I'm thankful for under one roof, on a daily basis.  It is often times, (more recently than usual) messy and noisy.  But that also means that learning and life is happening.  It is also where I get the honor and privilege of serving and caring for my family.  I know God has given me the opportunity to do that here, and I plan to do it to the best of my ability.  

My challenge to you would be to take this week, and even the rest of this year to give praise and thanks to our God and Savior.  If you would like to have access to the praise prompts we read each day, just go here to 52 Days of Thanks and Praise. He is worthy when we feel like it and when we don't!  Happy Sunday and enjoy a short work week!

With Love, From Charlotte.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

The Not So Terrible Two's!

November 1st was a special day in the Engle Household.  As you may have read in the last post, Parker turned two years old.  It's interesting that you always hear about the terrible two's, kind of scary even, for us first time moms.  I haven't experienced that yet (granted Parker just turned two, so we've got some time) What I've also heard more and more lately is that it's really terrible three's!  I guess I have a lot to learn :)

Anyways, so far Parker's second year hasn't been terrible at all.  I can't even describe how much I love seeing the huge ways he is learning.  It kinda blows my mind when I see him do or say something he's never done before.  He  always seems to have another trick up his sleeve waiting to bust out when I least expect it.  Need some examples?

His vocabulary in general has increased immensely just since being here in North Carolina.  The other day, he told me he was hungry.  What I've noticed is when he learns a new word he uses it several times, day after day, so he can practice.  When he's telling me he's hungry, many times he isn't actually too hungry, he's just trying to practice and learn when and how to use this new word.  It's so similar to the way that I increase my vocabulary in a new language.  Once I learn something new I feel the need to use it often so I don't forget it! I love seeing his brain work.

He has also started singing along with the songs that Philip and I frequently sing to him before bed.  He has started to request specific songs for us to sing.  Some of his favorites are Jesus Loves Me, Daisy Daisy, and Twinkle Twinkle.  I frequently see him putting his animals down for naps while he sings, prays, and covers them up with blankets.  Here's a fun video of him putting his animals down for "night night"

One last example before I move on is the way he is developing and growing his imagination.  He likes to mimic what Philip and I do on a regular basis... In the following video he decided that his leftover milk in his cereal bowl was actually him mixing eggs for breakfast.  

He is also learning letters, numbers and colors.  He of course has a long way to go, but it amazes me how interested he is in all of this.  

In order to celebrate this special guy not only did we go to Chuck E. Cheese on his birthday, but we threw a small birthday party for him.  To those of you that came to his birthday party last year you can probably guess and understand why I went with a smaller version this year :) I went a little crazy and we had about 75 wonderful people there last year, but I couldn't handle that kind of undertaking. Considering we just moved into this house, Philip's parents, Stuart and Cindy, came in the night of the party, and well I'm 33 weeks pregnant and just not moving as quickly as usual!

We invited the kids and parents from the small group that I started, and also all of the prodigy friends from the program.  It was Disney Cars themed and I just put together a few goodies and cupcakes and then ordered pizza for the main course.  Thank you for all your help Pinterest and Sara!  

 I had so much fun prepping for the party, I always like that kind of stuff.  And I think the table came together nicely.  Those little Lightning McQueen cupcakes were easy, yummy and fun!
That night Stuart and Cindy flew in and got to be a part of the festivities.  We had a great weekend with them, showing them around Charlotte, eating good food, sleeping in (because they woke up with Parker!) showing them around our campus at Elevation, and just enjoying some good conversation.  We also got to visit the Discovery Place Museum, which Parker loved, and we intend to go back as much as we can!

We are about to embark upon another busy week, with Thanksgiving right around the corner.  We are looking forward to going to Ohio to visit with my mom's side of the family.  I can't wait for Grandma's cooking and some down time in the quiet little town of Sugarcreek!  Have a great rest of your weekend, and remember to give God glory and honor, because He is worthy all the time! 

With Love, From Charlotte.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Such is life...

Can you believe it's November?  I have to say, I love this time of year, but it always goes by too quickly in my opinion.  There just isn't enough time to enjoy all this season has to offer.  We have been packing it full with things like moving, trick and trunk or treating, and of course birthdays.  

Last friday (9 days ago)  Philip and I moved from an apartment to a town home. We were able to find a nice little house to bring baby Camden to once he's born.  Now, I have moved many times in my 27 years.  In fact, I once counted, and before I went away to college my family moved 12 times.  Granted they were all in the same town and I never had to change schools or churches because of it, but all I'm saying is I've been there and done that whole, pack up the house, load the truck, clean both houses and unpack thing.  To be honest, I don't like doing it all that much. Anyone with me?  

Well, last Friday Philip and I woke up to the sounds of a crying Parker, I went in to check on him, and he told me his belly hurt.  Any of you experienced moms would've run to the bathroom to get over tile and or a toilet.  But not me, I thought my poor baby just needs me to hold and comfort him, he'll be ok. Warning, yucky story ahead!   About 30 seconds later I was covered in vomit, and so was my poor sweet Parker.  As I am yelling for Philip to come help, all I can think of is the fact that we have movers and friends coming to help us move in less than 2 hours.  Well, such is life right?  (I'm learning that more and more these days :)) Time to tough it up and get through it!  So we did.  Parker was miserable all day.  Not only was I no help at all, but I probably was more in the way than anything.  I am also sure that as Parker vomited in the middle of the living room as everyone was eating their pizza, that our non-parent friends were thrilled they decided to help us that day. Shout out to all of you that gave up your day off to come help us, we couldn't have done it without you.  Just thought I would help give you an idea about the joys of parenthood that you will hopefully one day experience. 

Anyways, we are in our new house.  It is a wreck, and I still don't have it all unpacked. Due to the fact that the next day, once Parker recovered from the flu, he went straight into a full fledged nasty cold which became an ear infection.  He is now doing well and has been on antibiotics, but it's been a not-do-much-other-than-survive kind of week.  Here are a couple of pics of the new place, like I said, nothing is done, but hey we are real here on this blog and this is just how it is :)

Even after the move and the terrible sicknesses, Parker pulled through and got to enjoy a few fun events this last week. We had an outreach event through Elevation to dress up and pass out candy at our cars for trunk or treating.  We had a fun night as a family and got to serve others at the same time.  Philip and I decorated our car in a broncos theme and our friends decorated theirs as Panthers.  We set up a grill and pretended to tailgate as we passed out candy.  Parker got to wear his Elmo costume.  There were other little kids that would come up to him and give him hugs because they thought he was the real deal :) So Cute!  We taught him to say "treat please" and then "thank you" after each piece of candy he received.  By the end of the night, he was a pro. 

We then had Halloween, and I just had to share this video of him trick or treating because a few times throughout the night, people gave him extra candy because he was so adorable.  

Throughout the night he would tell me and Philip "one more house".  By the next morning he knew very well what candy was, and that he wanted more.  In fact that is what he asked for the next morning for breakfast.  :)  With it being his birthday, I was tempted, but instead he settled for chocolate chip pancakes.  His birthday was packed with Yummy food, a fun playground, a nap and of course Chuck E Cheese for dinner.  He is still talking about the "puppets" and pizza from that night.  

We have been so blessed to be his parents, and I can't wait to see the big things that God is going to do in and through him.  Please pray for him as we enter into another big transition coming with a baby brother.  Also pray that we follow God and seek his will in the way we bring up our boys.  What a huge blessing yet responsibility that has been given to us!  We hope your Sunday has been one of rest.  We love and miss you. 

With Love, from Charlotte.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Fall Frenzy

So, I know it has been a couple weeks since my last post... and I'm going to blame Philip for that.  Sorry sweetie!  We only have one laptop and the best time for me to use it is on Sunday's because he typically doesn't need it at work.  Well last Sunday that stinker took it to church, which left me computer-less and Post-less.  Due to that miss, I am going to cram a lot into this post.  We have had so much going on and I have just a couple minutes before the little man wakes up from his nap, which means no more blogging for me.

Not only have we been so incredibly busy, but we have also gone on a few trips already this fall.  It started out with a very last minute quick trip to Asheville (three hours away) to see my very good friend  Cara.  She happened to be visiting her friend Britney in Tennessee and then realized we were only a few hours a part from each other.  So, Parker and I hopped into the car and met Cara and Britney (and their to kids Eli and Keller) in a lovely town called Asheville.

We met at a park, because what else do you do with kids in a strange town?  And then we headed to a restaurant called Tupelo Honey Cafe.  Let me tell you the Biscuits were incredible!  I even took one home to share with the hubs and it was still delicious.  So were their Pumpkin Pancakes.  I do have to say that it wasn't the most relaxing of meals, and to be honest I can't even remember the meal that I ordered.  It ended up being a two hour lunch that I'm sure the people around us were hoping we would have left a little sooner than we did. Although we did attract a lot of people to tell us how cute our kids were.  Did I mention that at one table we had a 6 week old, one year old and almost two year old?

It was so nice to spend time with these lovely ladies and their kids.  It's always nice to have a conversation with an old friend.  Having been in Charlotte for a few months we have made great friends, but those deep relationships take a while to build.  It was nice to see someone that had already made a decision to be your friend no matter what, and could jump right in where we left off.  

Two days after our Asheville trip Parker and I flew to Ohio to help with and attend my cousin's wedding.  As anyone with kids knows, traveling alone with kids is always a tricky thing, but Parker handled it pretty well!  

 The wedding was in my Aunt's back yard under a tent.  It was so beautiful.  I got to help with the set up and decorating for the wedding which is one of my favorite things to be a part of.  Parker got to see cousins, aunts and uncles, grandparents and great grandparents.  He of course was spoiled as usual, and I had several moments of free babysitting, so I was lovin' it too!
The wedding was incredible, and the bride, Nicole was also.  The whole Yoder gang knows how to throw a party.  In fact I owe these people a lot of wedding throwing, because they did the majority of the work setting and cleaning up at my own wedding!  So fun to hang out with family.

When Parker and I came back, not only did we have the season of fall to look forward to, but we also had a visitor coming!  Philip's mom, Cindy decided to come out for a quick trip to see us and the city of Charlotte. We get the pleasure of both Stuart and Cindy coming again next week, but we got to enjoy having Grandma here for a couple of days.  

Now, Cindy loves a good slice of pumpkin bread with some pumpkin spice creamer and coffee to enjoy on fall mornings.  So as I was walking through Trader Joe's a couple days before she got here I spotted this little treasure. 
I haven't found many things that disappoint me at Trader Joe's, and this didn't either!  All you have to add is oil, eggs and water.  I put a little brown sugar oatmeal combo on the top just because, but I'm telling you yumm-o!  Cindy was lucky there was some left by the time she got here! 
If you are ever in need of a quick fall treat, or just don't feel like making it from scratch... believe me, you won't be sorry.

Anyways, while Cindy was here we got to enjoy some of the fun fall festivities Charlotte has to offer. 

We spent a morning at the pumpkin patch and took Parker on his first hay ride.  He loved the tractor that pulled us, and for some reason thinks it says "choo choo".  He also got to pick out his very own pumpkin, and so did Philip! We picked out a special one for Camden too.  (Oh by the way, that is what we are naming this little man growing inside of me! :))

Cindy also woke up with Parker in the mornings, which meant we got to sleep in, and helped me pack for the move.  We didn't sign another lease with the apartment, and are now renting a town home. Another post on that later.  Cindy also helped me with another fun fall treat that I was practicing  for a big staff Party for Elevation.  Check out the recipe here for Apple Pie dip with Cinnamon Tortilla Chips.
 Once again, this did not disappoint!  I ended up spending an entire 12 hour day later that week making enough of this for 300 people.  Not as easy as making it for 4 to 8, but still incredibly delicious, and not too bad for you!

I told you this would be a crammed post.... Really it's 4 posts in one, but you got the condensed version this time, plus a couple fun recipes to try out. :) 

We miss you and love you.  We hope your fall has been fun. Isn't it cool to see how we find things to love and enjoy each time of the year?  I love that God gives us different seasons to find joy in the things he has created.  Happy Sunday and have a great week. 

With Love, From Charlotte.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Food Truck Friday

Last Friday night Philip, Parker and I had a fun new Charlotte adventure!  We went to what is loved and known as Food Truck Friday.  It is in the part of town called South End, which is close to Uptown. (Charlotte's creative name for their downtown)  This event is every Friday, (I don't really know if it's year round) and about 10 different food trucks from around the city come to this one location.  This provides families and groups of friends with many different delicious food options right at their fingertips!!  If you are willing to stand in line for a while, which we were!

Here are a few of the trucks in the circle waiting to serve us some yummy treats.  There was one truck that had a long line the whole night (at least an hour wait, but probably longer) and their specialty was grilled cheese.  I know what you are thinking, grilled cheese? I'm not waiting in line for that!  I agree, this very hungry pregnant lady wasn't willing to wait it out.  Had I been prepared and brought a snack, knowing that this grilled cheese was worth the wait, and had I not had an almost 2 year old to chase and entertain, then I may have toyed with the idea.  Maybe next time when I'm more prepared, apparently it's incredible!

While we waited for the rest of our group to get there,  Philip and Parker got to play with the football while I snapped a few pics of the many people waiting in line and setting up camp to eat their delicious treats.  

Once everyone arrived we all made our choices and took turns waiting in line.  Of course the ladies are in love with our little parker, and he definitely doesn't mind all the attention that he gets from both the ladies and the guys.  He was the only kid in our group there last night, and when that happens he tends to ham it up and becomes the entertainment for the night. 
This is Nikki, one of the wives of the prodigy guys in the program.  
Once we got our burgers and tots, I didn't even take the time to snap a picture for you because I was so hungry.  However, it was delicious!  I got a burger with cheese, avocado, bacon and pineapple.  Yumm...  Philip stuck with his usual cheeseburger with ketchup, he's so crazy with his food choices I just can't handle it! :)  Even so, we both were completely satisfied stuffed and happy.
Parker ended the night by schmoozing about 5 or 6 people to share their ice cream with him.  (As he does anytime we get together)  and Philip and I split a soft serve chocolate vanilla swirl.  Simplicity at it's best!

We have missed our family and friends back home, and Parker has too.  We talk about you and pray for you all the time.  One thing that I worried about in moving so far away, was that Parker would miss out on so much, and crave the attention he once had from everyone.  No one will ever replace you! But it is so nice to see how our friends here have taken us in as family.  They spoil Parker like crazy, but they also help keep him in line.  It makes a difficult transition much easier on a mamma, when you know that your kids are loved and cared for.   So, thank you for watching out for Parker and loving on him, don't worry, there's enough love and spoiling to go around :) 

We get a little extra of that this next week as we will be in Ohio for my cousins wedding.  So we get to see family!  Can't wait to see grandparents,  aunts, uncles, cousins, and of course Grandma, Papa and Uncle Isaac. Enjoy your lovely fall weekend.

With Love, From Charlotte