Tuesday, June 9, 2015

A Moment of Vulnerability

Some days I look at what I did that day and question if I did any thing of value.  Did I really accomplish something?  Did I impact this world in even the tiniest way at all today? Yes, my children were fed, dressed, played with, cleaned, fed, read to, pleaded with to take a nap, fed, cleaned.... the list goes on and on, but did I DO anything?  If you are a mom, or a person for that matter, I imagine you've had a few days where you looked back and wondered if you lived today to it's fullest.  I would guess that much of the time, we don't live every moment of every day to it's fullest potential.  

But I would also venture to guess, that especially on days like today.  Where I feel like I didn't really get much done, but I stayed the course in the calling of being a mom, that just maybe I did what needed to be done.  And rather than worry about the fact that I didn't make a mark on the world, maybe my persistence in caring for my sweet boys is the only mark I was supposed to make today.  

Really what it comes down to is a choice.  I can choose to live in my calling that often requires me to wash the same dishes over and over, clean the same messes 4 times a day,  teach my boys how share, and believe those actions are and will add value to their lives.  Or I can choose to see those things as the mundane tasks that I have to do every day, and hope this phase will pass soon enough.  

I don't want to live my days like that.  I choose to make a mark in this world by the husbands and daddies I raise.  I hope you can do the same.  Whether you are a mom, or you are just in a season that doesn't make much sense right now.  Live in your calling.  

I'd better go though, they are going to wake up soon, and I have to get dinner ready before that happens! 

With Love, From Charlotte

Monday, April 27, 2015

A Tribute to Wilda, A Proverbs 31 Woman

This weekend, Camden and I made a trip out to Arizona to celebrate my Grandma's life, and the legacy that she and my Grandpa Charles, left.  I have so many sweet memories that I could share, and I will share a few today, but as I have taken a step back to think of what kind of person my grandmother was, I have seen that she was very much a Proverbs 31 woman.  If you haven't had a chance to read that particular book of the Bible, I highly recommend it. You can read verses 10-31 here  

As a mom and a wife, it is definitely something I strive to be.  Obviously, none of us are perfect, and neither was my grandma, but in so many ways, I saw those characteristics ring true in her life.   

I thought that this post could be dedicated to some of the many things that my grandma taught me in her time here on Earth, with some sweet pictures of her life, and the time we had celebrating who she was. 

One of the first things that my Grandma taught me, was how to be a worshiper. She had a beautiful voice and she used it to give God glory and praise.  She was completely unashamed of her faith and love for Jesus Christ, and one of her favorite ways to express that, was through music.  The songs that she would sing to my dad when he was little, are the songs that my dad sang to me as a kid, and they are now the songs that I sing to my boys.  Not all 3 year olds today ask for "The Bird Song" before nap.  Only a few of you probably know that one.  "Where are you going little bird? Where are you going little bird? I am going to my nest…."  Along with that, Parker asks for "Daisy", "You are my Sunshine" and "Jesus Loves Me" daily.  They have actually been really helpful to him as a ministry when we visit people in nursing homes, he can sing songs that they know and love.  I love that my grandma has passed down her love for singing through many generations.

Something else I learned from her was how to be wife. 

 My grandma was head over heels in love with her sweetheart.  I have heard their love story many times.  As we talked this weekend as a family, people talked about how there was never a lack for affection between these two.  She served her husband diligently and made sure that she was his support.  I know they prayed together regularly, and she worked hard to make their home a safe and inviting place to life.  

She was a great example to me, as I learn to serve my own husband and be his biggest fan.  There was no question of whether or not Grandma supported Grandpa.  She was his cheerleader the whole way, even in the last few very difficult years of his life.

She taught me many things about being a mom.  I don't think I have ever met anyone who loved being a mom as much as she did.  She had 5 children, 4 boys and a girl.  If her doctor had allowed her to have 10 more, she would've.  She told me that too many times to count.

 Her favorite years of her life were those that she had little ones pulling on her dress, someone needing to be rocked to sleep, and picking up after them.  When I would bring my own kids to visit her, I could see the immediate love for a tiny human being in her eyes.  She lit up, just knowing she was about to rock a baby.

On the days that I am about ready to pull out my hair, or I am not sure I can go another night with little sleep, I think about her.  I think about her love for her children and commitment to raising them to, above all else, love Jesus.  I think of the many sleepless nights she must of had.  I think of the fact that she didn't have the luxuries of my dishwasher and washing machine and dryer.  I am given a little boost to keep going.  I am given a little encouragement to push through.  I think about how this is also my calling, and that if I can turn to God as my source, then I can do what He has put me here to do.

Not only has she been an example of a worshiper, wife, and mother, but she has been a great example of what a grandmother is to be.

She and Grandpa actually lived with us most of my life.  So I have had the great opportunity of spending many hours with them growing up.  We would have regular movie nights over at their end of the house.  Grandma would kick Grandpa out of the room for the night, (he slept on the couch, while I took his place on the bed!) and we would watch wonderful movies (always love stories) together.  My Fair Lady, Jane Eyre, The Sound of Music, Sense and Sensibility, and of course Pride and Prejudice.  She taught me how to appreciate the greats, the classics. All of this while grandpa served us snacks and drinks of our choice :) What a trooper!

 This weekend we had the opportunity as a family to reunite and remember all of the lovely things of this beautiful woman.

We ate meals together, laughed and cried together, and caught up on each other's lives. We also came together and sang some of Grandma's favorite hymns and worship songs.

I think my Grandma would have been very pleased with the way we came together as a family and loved on each other a little bit.  I think we may have made both her and grandpa proud and grateful to have a family that cherished and loved them.  The two of them left quite a legacy that I am sure will continue through many generations.  

But today, more than anything, I think my Grandma, this Proverbs 31 woman, is standing next to her sweetheart, singing praises to her Heavenly Father.  I am sure the choir of angels is very happy to have her join them, and I think she wouldn't want to be anywhere else. 

Thank you for your prayers and sweet words!
With Love, From Charlotte

Sunday, April 12, 2015

A Month Of Celebration

Well, as usual we are up to a whole bunch over here.  We have been celebrating all sorts of things, from birthdays, to weddings, to the resurrection of Jesus Christ, to having family in town for a visit and life change through baptism.  I told ya! You're in for a treat, I'm going to give a quick recap of all we have been able to be a part of and enjoy in the last month or so!

A few weeks ago, I headed off with both boys in tow to Phoenix and San Diego for a few different reasons.  Philip  had been asked to preach at a camp for a week in Florida, and I decided it would be a good opportunity to make the trip to see my new nephew Judah Morrison.  I dropped the boys off in Arizona to spend some time with the grandparents, while headed off to San Diego,

It was so fun to be able to hang out with my niece and nephews, and I also got to hang out with some of my siblings!

Philip also talked to my sister, Sarah, before I got out there, and together they planned the whole day of my birthday to include coffee, pedis, sushi, naps, and family dinner. They know the way to my heart, notice most of the day consisted of me consuming something delicious.  As it should be ;)

I also had a friend from college getting married that weekend in Phoenix, so it was a great chance to meet up with all the girls (and Kendall) from school and be there for Kelsea and Victor's big day.  We got to catch up and reminisce about the good ole' days at Point Loma Nazarene.

We came home after not seeing Philip for a long 10 days and were grateful to be back together, but we hit the ground running!  That following weekend was Philip's birthday and Easter weekend!  We packed it full with Dunkin Donuts, Chik Fila, Easter egg hunts, and 5 Worship Experiences throughout the Easter weekend.

Whew!  Looking back at this crazy busy weekend, I realize how easy it is to get so caught up in what has to get done, instead of always seeing them as incredible things we get to be a part of.  That weekend, Philip got to baptize someone at every Worship Experience and we had over 1,900 people give their lives to Jesus church wide!

We followed Easter weekend up with a fun packed visit from my brother Zach and Sister-In-Law Carissa.  We love sharing life with our family, and we also don't mind sharing our boys with them either.

We enjoyed an evening out at Food Truck Friday.  It is an event in our city where 6-8 Food trucks all gather in one lot, and you get to choose what you want from where! It was such a beautiful evening to enjoy good company and food! The next day we decided to visit the Billy Graham Library.  We have been living here close to 2 years and have never been.  I'm kinda embarrassed to admit that.  I am sorry, please forgive me.

Needless to say, it did not disappoint and we will definitely be taking future visitors here.  So, let us know when you are coming, and we will set it up!

As I am sitting here writing this I am taking a few minutes while the boys nap to reflect on all the ways God blesses us.  We have experienced so much in just a few weeks and these last two days have been no different.  We had our Raised to Life Baptism weekend at church.  We got to set up and prepare for hundreds of people to publicly declare their faith in Jesus.  Not only that, but Philip got to dunk them. 

We had a huge party as person after person walked up to get baptized, and what I love about it even more is that the boys get to see this happening.  Of course they don't understand what is really going on as daddy puts people under water in the big bathtub, that they insist they should be allowed to go in.  But I truly believe that the foundation and the godly example that they get to witness and follow in their daddy each and every day, is one that will only help them to become more and more like Christ.  What are you able to celebrate today?  What has God blessed you with?

We pray that you will be able to find the little things to celebrate along with the big. Happy Sunday! 

With Love From Charlotte

Sunday, February 15, 2015

It's Been One of Those Weeks...

Have you ever had one of those weeks that you are grateful when they are over, and that you never have to live it again?  I am sure we have all been there, sometimes it can be something huge and life changing, such as a diagnosis from a doctor that you didn't see coming. Other times it might be a death of a loved one or a car accident.  Then there are the times it's something not as huge, but still no fun. The weeks of rapid sickness in a home with littles, unexpected big expenses that creep in every now and then.  Either way, no matter what, there are going to be weeks like that.  This is life, and these obstacles are a part of it.  

We are coming off one of those kinds of weeks. I would put it in the second category of not so huge, but still no fun.  Last Friday I had the "opportunity" to have my wisdom teeth removed.  If you have had this done you are thinking about what your experience was like.  Many of you have horror stories to tell and are thinking about how you are so glad you don't have to live that week over again, right?  Even if you don't have a horror story you're glad it's in the past.  If you are one of the truly blessed folks that have never had to have it done, and never will... I say get down on those knees and thank The Good Lord that he spared you! Seriously. Right now, thank Him.

I was determined to not get an infection or dry socket. 

Side note: Philip got his out before we got married, and he thought it would be a good idea to eat pizza and wings the day after his procedure.  Four days later, when he was allowed to use the syringe to clean out his holes, he was in so much pain, and his poor mom had to help him clean out that terribly smelling food that was stuck in his mouth for days.  I did not ask for permission to tell you all about this, but this was when he was young and immature, you know before he wised up and got married ;)
Give the guy a break!  

All that to say, I was determined to not let that happen to me.  I ate soup. For Days.

Luckily, I like soup.  Not only that but we were blessed by many people with lots of different kinds of soup!  I didn't cook a single night last week because so many people were so thoughtful and brought dinner for the boys and me soup.  

This is a "later in the healing process" chunky soup!
Low and behold, we are over a week out without any infection or dry socket. I am eating a lot more solid food (very slowly) and I am healing well except for the fact that there is a hole between my nasal cavity and my upper left extraction.   That's right... they are connected as of now. It is supposed to close itself up, so we will see!  

The other thing that took us by surprise this week was the fact that our little Camden ended up getting tubes put in his ears. 
This sweet little guy has been battling chronic ear infections since his birthday in December.  We have seen the doctor several times, and knew it still wasn't clearing up. 

We saw the ENT on Wednesday morning, and scheduled the appointment for the surgery on Thursday morning.  It was tough decision for us to make in such a quick amount of time, but the procedure went so well and we have our precious little guy back!

He was such a trooper at the hospital, and within a few hours after he was back to normal and better than ever!

Seriously, that face...

So there you have it, our crazy week has come to a close and I can't think of a better way to end it than a great message at church this weekend from our Pastor's wife, Holly Furtick. (here's the link)  We are currently going through a series called Moodswingers. Emotions can often get a hold of me, and I let them take control of me at times.  Especially during weeks like the one we just had.  Today she talked about how we can work at being complex but not complicated people.  She talked about how we can work at being people that are strong and fortified in the Lord.  People that can handle what life will throw at us.  With this kind of perspective I know that I have a choice in weeks like this to be "calm in the midst of chaos" and seek Him for strength.  

If you are having that kind of day/week/month/year, take a few minutes and lean into the Holy Spirit. He can grant a peace that none of us can create on our own!  You are missed and loved!  

With Love, From Charlotte.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

My Three Men

I can't even begin to tell you all the goings on of the last few months.  My deepest apologies to those of you that have been sitting on the edge of your seats waiting for an update... I am sure there are many of you ;) I want to devote this post to three of the most important boys in my life.  A few important things have happened in each of their lives since  I last posted, and I thought it fitting to update you with the details and some lovely pictures to go along with it!


My sweet boy who is growing all too fast turned three in November.  He wanted a cowboy birthday party, so I said giddy up!  We decked the house out in bandanas, rope, boots and spurs.  

We had about 50 people at the house. (including kids)  It was a packed place, but it was so fun to see all the love that was poured out on us and Parker.  He got more for his birthday than he needed, of course, but that gives me the opportunity to stow some away and slowly pull them out throughout the year. 

I made chili and hot dogs for everyone, and that seemed to be a big hit.  I also made cupcakes for the roundup... It was quite the day for dressing up, pinning the mustache on the cowboy, and lots of sugar!  

He continues to learn so much.  I am always amazed at the in depth conversations we have and the imagination he has. He has recently begun to memorize Bible verses for church.  He is definitely gifted in this area, and I can't wait to see how God will use that.


My sweet sensitive boy was dedicated this fall!  We had a really nice ceremony for him at church, where we were able to share a letter we wrote to Camden as if he were an 18 year old.   The idea behind that is to raise him with the end in mind.  What are the important things for him to learn and be at that point in life? How can we help him get there? 

It was such a good reminder as parents to step back and look at the bigger picture.  Many times I feel like I get caught up with the wiping of noses,  the late night feedings, and the time outs, and I lose sight of why I do what I do.  I have to remind myself that ultimately, what matters is that my boys love the Lord and seek His will.

Not only did we dedicate Camden, but on Christmas day he turned one year old!  I truly can't believe how fast time flies.  Our Pastor has said, "the days are long, but the years are short" Isn't that the truth?! Unfortunately, the little guy got sick on Christmas eve and was pretty miserable for the next week or so.  However, we were able to have a little celebration for him on New years day, and he even got to try his first piece of cake.  He did enjoy the sugar :)

And now for my Man, Philip:  

We have a special reason to celebrate him too!  In the last couple months Philip got a new position at church.  Up until this point, Philip has been an eGroups director at the Matthews location.  He has now been asked to not only do that, but also take the role as the associate campus pastor at Matthews.   Since he has started this, we have been learning what this role looks like for us a family and how we can be most effective in it.  He has done such an incredible job, learning his new role and jumping in right away.  I am so proud of him and all the hard work he puts in day in and day out.  I believe God will bless him for his commitment to his calling in ministry and at home!

There are so many things going on over here, and we are so grateful to be a part of them.  We hope you are doing well and had a wonderful Christmas and New year.  If you are looking for a good start to the year, and want to be more consistent with some of the things that you know God has called you to, take a listen to Pastor Steven from these last two weeks, in our series, The Power of Same.  He  also challenged us as a church to commit to creating some important habits this year.  If that is something you want to be a part of, go to beginagainchallenge.com and sign up.  It's going to be a great way to get started on the right foot this year!  We hope you are doing well and enjoying 2015 so far.

With Love, From Charlotte.