Saturday, September 28, 2013

The Prodigy In Me

I know it has been too long since I have really sat down to update everyone on where we are in life and how the Prodigy Program is going.  But I figured now is better than never!  I have to begin by explaining in a little more detail what the Prodigy Program is all about.  However, Pastor Steven does a pretty good job here:

The Prodigy Program is “a ministry apprenticeship designed by Elevation Church to give hands-on training to high-capacity leaders in a fast moving, rapidly growing, Christ-centered church environment.“  From leaving Sierra Vista, to the trip to Charlotte there was no question of whether or not we were in the right place.  God did mighty works to get us here and has provided for us while we have been here! 

On day one, as they oriented us to the program and help communicate expectations, there were six main points to focus on over the course of these 22 weeks:

1. Cancel the Audition.
We are here to seek to understand before we seek to impress.  I have taken this to heart as God has humbled me in showing me that there is so much more that God is doing and I am blessed to be involved in it on this level.

2. Learn to Fail Forward.
Through the program I have become more conscious of my weaknesses, but it isn’t my weaknesses that define me.  God has used these to show me how to depend upon Him more!

3. This isn’t a Balance, it is a Lifestyle.
How true this one is.  For so long I prioritized my life and ministry.  However I have seen that there needs to be a full integration of life and ministry.  Therefore it will be a lifestyle, and with this comes the flows of different seasons (extremely busy vs. regular busy).

4. God Called You, so don’t Start Qualifying Yourself.
It was the favor of God that got me here and it will be obedience to God that will keep me here.  I cannot depend upon my own strengths or skills to advance my position or to gain me favor.  God is calling me to be a better me in Him and He will take care of the rest!

5. Be a Student of the Culture.
This was one of the biggest changes for me.  We have such a unique culture here at Elevation, one that is contagious, but still much different than what I was used to.  Yet over the last several months it has been easy to lay aside my preferences because I have seen the impact that the singular mission has had on thousands of lives!

6. Commit to Being Developed.
This has been one of the greatest experiences, because as I look around me I see people eager to invest in me and make me a better leader.  We are reaching people far from God and they are being raised to life in Christ. 

Each one of these challenges has helped shaped me in some new ways.  It has been a challenge adapting to a new culture, but we have seen God work mightily in us and through us.  Thanks for all the prayers and support.

Here is a quick look at the guys I share my week with.  I will introduce you to them in the next blog post, but for now just enjoy their smiling faces!

With love, from Charlotte

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