Wednesday, January 22, 2014

The Greatest Christmas Gift...

Well, after a long break of blogging (I truly do apologize) I wanted to update you on the many exciting things that are happening in our lives.  We have had an amazing and very busy last month.  I am sure many of you can relate to the business of the season.

Towards the middle of December we began to wrap up our Prodigy season here at Elevation.  As it came to a close we awaited word to see if they would offer Philip a permanent position.  It was a very exciting and wonderful day to find out that yes, they would be asking Philip to fill a position as the eGroups director at the Matthews campus.  This was the campus that we spent the last three months of Prodigy at, and it had truly become home for us.  We have been loved on and taken care of here and are so excited to say that we have accepted the offer!  Philip will be over-seeing all of the groups at the Matthews campus, but will also be helping care for the people of the campus.  He has been asked to help in developing and growing the leaders of the campus and help with the opening and closing on stage some weekends.

Not only were we blessed with a job, but on Christmas Day we got a wonderful gift.  In fact it's the greatest Christmas Gift Philip and I have ever received! The gift of our second son, Camden Charles Engle.  That's right December 25th, at 9:22 PM weighing in at 7 pounds 11 ounces,  and 20 inches long.

We had enjoyed a wonderful Christmas morning, filled with the Christmas Story acted out by our nativity scene for Parker, presents, Skyping with both sets of families, and of course some afternoon naps had by all.

I made a pot roast with potatoes for our Christmas dinner, and as I called the boys to come eat, I was hit with my first contraction.  (This started at 5PM)  Philip and Parker came into the kitchen to eat dinner when I told Philip it was time!  We called our friends, Stephanie and Skyler, and they graciously left their family gathering and came to get the little man so we could head to the hospital.  When we got there at 6, they told me I was 3 cm, and that I could stay.  They admitted me, and by 7:30 I had progressed to 6 cm,  and they had decided to call the doctor and have her come to the hospital.  At around 8:00 I was 8 cm and the doctor had broken my water.  I was ready to push by about 9:15, I pushed for three contractions and our bundle was here by 9:22!!  It was an incredibly fast labor and delivery, but I have to say that I am very grateful.

Today Camden is four weeks old.

I can't believe it!  He is chunky, he loves to eat, and poops around the clock :)

Parker has learned how to be gentle with him, (most of the time) he loves holding him and giving him hugs and kisses.  He also loves to have Camden lay in his bed while we read stories and sing songs right before bedtime.

He is learning how to share mommy and daddy, but I think in time, he will get it.

I love all three of these boys, and I can't believe that I get to serve and love on them.  Some days it's the hardest thing I've ever done. In fact right now, my eyes slowly keep closing on me.  But I wouldn't want to be anywhere else. God has called me to this right now, and I don't want to take it for granted!

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